Garden update July 5

Garden update July 5th.
Lots of work in the garden as summer moves along. We had a long stretch of heat and no rain then days of rain, lots of growth and changes. I planted the empty row with our second round of lettuces, kales, chard, and more onions.We plan on one more set of planting in late July (before August but close to August) for early fall harvesting. It's hard to decide to pull plants from the garden but our lettuces had gotten very bitter, and the spinach was not producing anything. We had had a good run of eating lettuce everyday and then they started bolting.  The lettuce is a very tender variety and not great for cooking, if you have bitter lettuce you can soak it in cold water spin the water out and then cook it to get one last harvest. I let the sturdy and delicious asian greens go to seed (and they have such pretty flowers) to collect the seeds and try planting them. 

We had out first harvest of lavender and mint to dry and store.

Ginger growing in a tub.

Caged tomatoes and marigolds looking lovely.

More tomatoes...

The herb garden in its full glory.

Scarlet runner beans and pickling cucumbers are climbing.

Lettuces, spinach, and asian greens pulled and the row weeded, the rest of the garden getting big and green!

It looks so empty. Still more kale to harvest, chard, turnips, and endive and a peek at the row with carrots leeks and beets at the far right corner.

I had to help some garden friends move along before pull the lettuces out...


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