Garden Update July 12

Garden update July 12.

We have had more rain and sunny days mixed so that makes for less watering needed which is good. We are seeing some pests but nothing we can't manage for the time being. Flea beetles, cabbage moths, cucumber beetles, and slugs are the main culprits right now.

The garden in it's crazy glory.

A shot of the rows that have gherkin cucumbers, green beans, dwarf variety zucchini, patty pan squash, storage cabbages, napa cabbages, onions, peas, nasturtiums, marigolds, some stray tomatoes and basil.

The nasturtiums have flowers finally!

Gherkin cucumbers, so excited to see how this works out.

Patty pan...

Tiny zucchinis are forming.

Scarlet runner beans and pickling cucumbers climbing and flowering.

Red flowers and baby beans.

Yellow flowers and tiny cucumbers forming.

Ginger is sprouting slowly, we may have to bring it inside but we are hoping it will keep going long enough for a harvest before it gets too cold.

Marigolds and tomato plants.

Brandywines are starting to fruit up finally.

So are the Romas.

Lemon scented geranium is getting its thick summer foliage.

Lavender is flowering too fast to pick it all, the pollinators are loving it.

Shell peas and volunteer cilantro.

Napa cabbages.

The greens and onions I planted are coming in, the daikon is trying to take over though!

A mix of flowers panted to just have some flowers.

Green beans are flowering, some are almost ready to eat.

Volunteer chamomile plants.

Herb garden bee balm getting ready to flower.

Herb garden looking very green.

Zinnias in the garden.

Beets, carrots, and leeks.

Sunflowers and pumpkins in the side yard.

Small but usable daikon, they are bolting before they get big so I am pulling them as they start to flower. We will try another round into the fall to see if we can get some nice big radishes before the first frost.


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