Pest of the year so far goes to....

Well, a quick update on pests and the weather. Aphids are decreasing in numbers after hitting them with "Safer Soap" from Paris Farmers Union. An approved for organic garden option that appears to get approval from lots of people. Squirrels have been hiding out and not digging in the garden, probably due to the horrible weeks of rain. Which brings me to our worst "pest" so far, the rain! We lost our melons (there is still one pathetic looking vine, but I think it will not produce melons before it gets too late. We lost our kale, lettuce and spinach to the rain as well, just started getting yellow, it did not mature correctly and got bitter while still small. We tore it all up and stared new this weekend. Hopefully this will get us going into the next weather pattern ans we will get more sun and better looking crops. The tomatoes, basil, and peppers are looking a little weak as well, but the couple days of sun gave them a boost. Cabbages, broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots, potatoes, beets, turnips, marigolds, and allysum are doing well despite the weather. I had to pick worms off my cabbages, but that's to be expected, relatively cabbage worm free so far (but its still early). We also lost all the parsley and cilantro to the rain. Even the compost is slow due to its lack of getting warmed up. We added lime recently and turned it all. The worms are going crazy and loving it, but it is taking longer than it should for a summer compost. I hope the sun comes out soon, even in intervals it would be better than this!


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