Not that kind of weed garden (a garden of weeding)

The garden is doing well. We've been eating the salad greens and many of the herbs. The oregano and the sage came back from last year. The sage is just about flowering, so that's good for the bees. The Chives came back, and we finally gave them a permanent place in the herb garden.

Jen's parents brought some rhubarb from their garden up in Sumner. We planted that in between the Pear and the Japanese maple. Next summer we should have our own.
We have one row that we have not planted anything in yet. Likely we will use it to rotate out some greens. The rest of the garden is dotted with plants and flowers. At least it will be dotted with plants and flowers as soon as they grow.

Now the battle for the garden begins. We had turned up out lawn, and this is our first year with the new garden, so the grass is coming back. It seems to like the new soil as much as we hoped our garden plants would. Along with the grass and weeds, we have a number of volunteers from where we added our compost. Rogue tomatoes and so many pumpkins, squashes, and gourds are trying to make their way by volunteering. Our compost does not seem to get hot enough to kill the seeds we add to it, and we'll have to figure that out at some point before next year.
The plan for the weeds is for all of us to pick a little every day. Hopefully, that will show progress and keep us from becoming completely disgusted with the process. We will be looking for other methods to controls and shut down the weeds as well. It should be fun trying new things around the garden. 


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