Making Our Own Kombucha part 1

So in the spirit of staying at home (more than usual, but just barely more) and less time shopping we are doing more making things we like to buy. We don't get kombucha that often but often enough to think it was time to start our own. I had tried doing a kit a couple years ago with a dehydrated scoby and that never worked out, I just never pursued it after that. We are always wanting to add more fermented foods to our diet so I tried again. I read that you could make your own scoby from commercial kombucha as long as it was still active, which sounds great to me. 

The first try is actually working, a scoby is forming, but I used a small mouth jar and did not give it a lot to eat. So I am getting ready to transfer it to a larger jar with more tea and sugar to eat and I started a second scoby from commercial kombucha in case this one fails.

The first try... (3 weeks fermenting)

second try back up (1 week fermenting)

The type of kombucha we used:

What you need:
Wide mouth quart jar
2 black tea bags
1/4 cup of sugar
1 cup of active kombucha
Cloth or coffee filter to cover the jar
Brew the tea with sugar in the wide mouth quart jar leaving room for one cup of the commercial kombucha. Remove the tea bags after it has steeped for 4 minutes, let cool to room temperature and add the active kombucha. Cover with cloth or a coffee filter and let sit out of direct light for 2-4 weeks.


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