Backyarden Update...

So our garden here is doing okay... and I say okay because we got everything in late, the cabbage worms have been at the cabbage, some tomato plants showed early signs of blight and needed to be removed, and the groundhog that disappeared is back, or another has taken its place. That said here it is!
The big tomato plant here in the front looks good..note that all the red cabbage in this first box was chomped by a groundhog...
Salad needs to be picked in this front box, this being the second time, we have a bunch of mixed carrots and lettuces here. After our first planting some animal tore up the whole bed mixing it all  up and tearing up the seed.
The herb boxes in the back are coming along nicely, there is a big tomato here that came from the compost...which means our compost is not getting hot enough, but I will take it because it looks strong and healthy!
Some of the big terra cotta pots just have flowers, I love these "Love Lies Bleeding", beautiful flower with a gruesome name.
this was a rotten pumpkin added to the top of the compost that sprouted, we could not resist throwing it in the ground. It will need some serious cutting back because apparently all the seeds were strong and sprouted. We definitely do not have room for that many pumpkin plants in our little yard!
This fruit is not local or from our garden, but I am excited after eating so much green from our CSA, the Sumner garden, and our garden here to have access to all the wonderful in season fruit at the store...fresh figs!!!!


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