More seeds set...

I planted some more seeds today... some summer squash, zucchini (so it will be a little staggered from what is planted directly in the garden), eggplant, parsley, sage, honey bear acorn/winter squash just to get things started in case the season is not perfect. I need to do my marigolds still, but otherwise most of the rest of the seeds will be directly in the garden. Now is not a bad time ot start lettuces, kale, and spinach. Although the weather here is going to be cold (40 degrees F as a high this weekend). I will be planting those outside soon. Very exciting. The other seedlings are doing well, the cat took out some of my cilantro so I have to have a gate up in the doorway to the porch, but not too much damage. We still need to set up a light although the seedlings are not too leggy yet some are getting close, like the cilantro and brussel sprouts. Now off to cubeland.


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