First day of Summer

Yesterday was the first day of Summer, and most of the garden is doing well. It has been providing us with salad greens for the past couple of weeks, along with fresh kale. The early salads were and Asian mix, and if I had the seed packet, I would tell you what was in it, but I don't. It was spicier lettuces that showed up early and began flowering recently. One day it wasn't, then it looked like it might and them boom! Flowers. Jen is leaving them around for the bees while we plot where we are going to plant the next round of lettuce. Aside from the Asian mix, we have some buttery soft lettuces, and again I don't know what the names are. I'm sure Jen could tell you but I can't. Those are not flowering and seem to be a never-ending source of fresh salad greens. Its been pretty great and we'll be planing more of those. Greens are easy though they grow early, and you eat them. What's really cool is the salad turnips were ready, and we ate some already. Look ...