One tomato, two tomato...

The backyarden is looking crazy, lots of things did not like the heat last week, myself included. So some plants are starting to die back and late season plants are hitting their stride. Finally we are getting lots of giant and delicious tomatoes. Plus we are inundated with all the sweet cherry tomatoes. I returned triumphant from the Sumner gardens with boxes of yummy San Marz, Nepal and Brandywine tomatoes.
Not to mention a box of cabbage, beets, and basil.

Lots of tomatoes....before the dreaded food mill...
The final product cooked down for 6 hours and reduced the liquid to half resulted in five quart jars and two pints. Ready for use on or in anything! We made a delicious tomato soup from it by sauteing onions, and adding salt pepper fresh basil and a bit of cream.


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