So the tomatoes are loving all the hot weather we have been having and getting big and thick and flowering like crazy. I noticed that some of the flowers are giving way to tiny tomatoes which is so exciting. This year I have several types in the garden Nepal, Brandywine, San Marzano, early girl cherry tomatoes, and an heirloom mix of cherry tomatoes. When I finally put these seedlings in do you think I marked them? Nope! Too much rushing when things had to get into the ground and I grabbed the best plants of each and threw them in. My logic at the time was this, I just want tomatoes, and at the end of the season I will know what they are. Then I also have all these funny tomato plants that are coming up from seed in the compost. They could be any kind, cherry, beefsteak, last year's Nepals, I have no clue! They look healthy and so I left several plants. Now I have a tomato free for all. From the looks of these little green starts we have a cherry tomato (top) because is is perfectl...