Catching up on reading this winter...

I just finished Terry Silber's book "A Small Farm in Maine", which is the story of her and her family making the transition to a farm in Maine and living fully from their farm. The book is interesting because Hedgehog Hill Farm was in Sumner where I grew up. It was much drier than I expected, although I suggest it to anyone who gardens or is considering farming, and I believe she was a better writer when it came to teaching instructional things. I think this because I also purchased "Growing Herbs and Vegetables From Seed to Harvest" Terry & Mark Silber) which I have been pouring over and it is very thorough and well written. As a side note it is a little weird because I worked at Hedgehog Hill Farm when I was in high school. I loved it, and a combination of working there, my own love of plants, a short but full lifetime of gardening, becoming a vegetarian, and interest in medicinal quality of plants sent me in the direction of going to school for botany. I spent only one year at the University of Rhode Island under the botany program and loved every minute of it, but suffered the worst health I had ever in my 18 years. I was sick all the time with allergies,  ironically to plants. So I did not return to work at Hedgehog as I truly wanted and had planned, and gave up botany because I was a foolish 19 year old that was beyond discouraged.  I followed a different love and went to school for fine art. Regardless the experience of working there was great and I think of it as one of the most rewarding jobs I ever had. Sadly Terry Silber died of cancer several years ago, and Mark Silber closed Hedgehog Hill Farm. I would suggest to anyone hunt down these books, they are worth it!


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