Today we planted

So it's a bit of a gamble, but it shouldn't be. The weather has been great this past week, hovering in the mid-60s. We hit 80+ degrees one of those days. It's Memorial Day weekend and should be a perfect time to transplant the seedlings Jen has been growing and raising for the past month. Maybe more than a month. We spent the day planting the seedlings and sowing the seeds in the garden, then watering the little beasts in the hope that they take and grow. Looks good, though. It is a gamble because last night, around 11:00 just before heading up to bed, I decided to check the weather. I never check the weather at night because I'm going to bed and I don't care. It's going to be colder than it was when the sun was out. Maybe it will rain, maybe it won't. I don't care because I'll be sleeping. But I checked it, and it said it was going to get down to 38 degrees. Not quite a frost, but along with that temp, the app gave a frost warning. I...